Gary Lee Snyder2023/05/31 8:28am27 min read


Apostolic Succession is the uninterrupted transmission of spiritual authority from the Apostles through the successive links of Popes or the Bishops of Rome. The Bible clearly said that Christ's Church will always stay because it is guided by the Holy Spirit (read Matthew 16:18, Matthew 28:20, 1 Tim...
Gary Lee Snyder2023/05/31 5:22am5 min read

St. Joan of Arc

St. Joan of Arc, also known as Jeanne d'Arc, is a prominent figure in Catholic history and a revered saint. She was born in Domrémy, France, in 1412 and played a significant role in the Hundred Years' War between France and England. At a young age, Joan claimed to have received visions and messages ...
Gary Lee Snyder2023/05/31 12:23am5 min read

Mary The Mother Of God

The belief that Mary is the Mother of God is a prominent doctrine within the Catholic Church. The specific reference to Mary as the Mother of God is not found in a single verse or chapter of the Bible, but rather it is based on a combination of biblical passages and theological interpretation. The t...
Gary Lee Snyder2023/05/30 11:38pm8 min read

Why Roman Catholicism

The claim that the Catholic Church was the first church and that Peter was the first pope is based on a combination of historical evidence and theological interpretation. While there are no specific historical documents or books that definitively prove these assertions, there are several sources tha...
Gary Lee Snyder2023/05/30 1:09am9 min read

Was The Roman Catholic Church The First Church?

The claim that the Catholic Church was the first church is based on several historical facts and pieces of evidence. While it is important to note that other Christian denominations also have early origins, the Catholic Church holds a distinct position in terms of its historical continuity and theol...

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